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Special needs at our Liverpool Day Nursery

Special needs at our Liverpool Day Nursery

The nursery S.E.N.C.O undertakes the requirements of the special need code of practice and the Disability Discrimination Act (DDA) 2002. There is a clear and extensive policy stating how the needs of the child are met. This policy is reviewed and updated on a six monthly basis.
The nursery can gain support from the Area S.E.N.C.O and the local Neighbourhood Early Years (NEYS) team who regularly visit the nursery to support the staff. Information regarding the Area S.E.N.C.O and NEYS is available from the office.

Behaviour management

Our Liverpool Day nursery has a positive discipline approach. We talk at lengths to problem solve and teach positive behaviour throughout the day. No physical punishment, harsh words or verbal abuse is permitted at any time.

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