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A great Day Nursery Liverpool

A great Day Nursery Liverpool

At Rockbourne Day Nursery we pride ourselves on experienced staff and ensuring a happy, stimulating and secure environment for all the children in our care. We follow the government guidelines and early years foundation stage (EYFS), to provide the best care and education for each individual child.

We also recognise the importance of working in partnership with parents to meeting the needs of the children. We do this by consulting parents on a regular basis through daily diaries and parent evenings.

We have an open plan outdoor area to the rear of the nursery. There are plenty of opportunities for children to explore and use imagination in their play regardless of the weather.

We also have a minibus on site which allows us to take Pre-School children on days out such as the world museum, Chester Zoo and many more places helping them with their knowledge and understanding of the world. Children from the Baby Room and Toddler Room also enjoy walks to local parks and shops allowing them to gain awareness of their environment.