Providing outstanding care for your children

It’s been hot ….. hot ….. hot!! Whilst we do our best to keep all t he children in our care nice and cool, we do ask that our parents assist us in making sure…
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It’s been hot ….. hot ….. hot!! Whilst we do our best to keep all t he children in our care nice and cool, we do ask that our parents assist us in making sure…
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At our Liverpool day nursery, we enjoyed having an Easter bonnet parade. The children went on a Easter egg hunt it was lots of fun. They especially enjoyed jumping on the bouncy castle. If you…
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At our Liverpool Day Nursery our Staff attended first aid training. This was to refresh their knowledge on first aid and highlight how important this skill is. First aid saves lives and these courses are…
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At Our Liverpool Day Nursery the new refurbishment work is near completion. Our Baby room is complete with new floors, lighting, ceilings and equipment. This will provide the best possible care available for the children.
The new pre-school room at our Liverpool Day Nursery has been finished. The children will be moved in soon as possible and enjoy their new surroundings. This is a very exciting time. Please feel free…
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The nursery grant at our liverpool day nursery will be ending for a week commencing 17/2/14. It will start up again on the week commencing 24/2/14. Thank you
Our Liverpool day nursery would like to wish everyone a happy Chinese new year. This year it is the year of the horse. The children will celebrate this within the nursery. In Liverpool there will…
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At our Liverpool Day Nursery we currently have renovation work happening within the rooms. This will make the nursery more adaptive and primarily improve the children’s needs. The Pre-school room will have constant access to…
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We would like to welcome Joanne to our Liverpool day nursery. She will be taking over as manager so please make sure you come and say hello. Joanne is from our sister nursery Woolton village…
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At our Liverpool Day Nursery will be holding a nativity play on Wednesday 11th. We have been working very hard so we hope you enjoy the show. Doors open at 9:30pm.